Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tim Russert

Tim Russert, the host of Meet the Press and NBC political commentator, died on Friday. He was 58. I liked Russert because in an age when news commentators are more about promoting their own agenda's, he was fair and unbiased. He appeared to totally love his work and always did it with a huge smile. He made a difference.

Seeing all the clips and conversations on television this weekend made me think more about life and careers. Why can't we all have jobs that we approach with the passion and enthusiasm that Russert had? It seems to me that I have been wasting a lot of time and education. After spending years in school and getting degrees the only thing I've been capable of doing is traveling and reading, with a little writing thrown in on the side.

Thinking about a career change these past few weeks, becoming a teacher of English as a second language, it is time for me to get off my ass and start helping people. And to do it with passion and love. Whatever it is, I have to be more like Russert and less like I have been for most of my life. There is no excuse for not making life better for other people.

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