Friday, September 5, 2008

War is a mind-set

I hesitate to write anything here political because that is not the purpose of this blog. So what I am about to say is meant to be apolitical, only an observation.

I watched John McCain's acceptance speech last night and I was struck with the frequency of his use of the word "fight." He said I will fight this and that probably about 30 or 40 times. The focus of his speech was quite different in tone than Obama's, who seemed to be more positive and spoke in more constructive terms.

In A New Earth Eckhart Tolle writes about war being a mind-set, that fighting unconsciousness will draw you into unconsciousness. "Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and whatever you resist, persists." It seems there is a clear difference in approach between Obama and McCain when it comes to bringing about change.

I also realized, observing how McCain chose Sara Palin at the last moment, he seems to react to situations, shoot from the hip as they say. Obama is more of a systems thinker, at least that is how he talks about change. McCain wants to drill and drill now to solve the oil problem. Obama offered a more comprehensive, holistic approach. In today's world, more than ever, we need politicians and leaders to see problems and the systems that they exist in. In a post-cold war world we don't need a fighter, we need a systems thinker.

I'm starting to show my leanings here. I'm sorry. I'll quit now.


Arlene Prunkl said...

Bravo, Frank! Many of us Canadians share your views. The entire Republican crew disgusts me, and at the top of the list is Sarah Palin. I don't mind if you share the occasional political view.

Anonymous said...

Also what as a result?

Anonymous said...

I confirm. All above told the truth. We can communicate on this theme. Here or in PM.