Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Major Setback!

My dear friends Mark and Gerre invited me over for dinner last night. They just got back from spending three months in Greece and Morocco. Mark is an excellent cook and made a gourmet meal that he got from watching Emeril the night before.

"You don't mind if we serve chicken, do you.?" he asked. "We read all your blogs. Can you have more than just salad?"

"Hey, I'm not going to be rigid about this. I'll eat what you cook."

I love Mark and Gerre. They are just plain good people who can really dance and know how to enjoy life. We have shared some wonderful times together. So, the meal is to die for. Probably one of the best home cooking ever, top five all time. Simple and sweet, cous-cous (or something like that) and grilled chicken and totally tasty. I devoured my share like I hadn't eaten since the beginning of spring. And I had no regrets or guilt. That is until the middle of the night.

Maybe I'm used to sleeping well on my new diet. Last night I paid for the sins of eating meat again. I slept like I had a small bowling ball rolling around in my stomach. What's worse, I gained a pound and a half in one day. I'm still groggy this morning as I write this.

What's a guy to do? I don't believe in being a pain in the ass when invited over for dinner. And I have absolutely no willpower...especially when Mark is cooking!

Well, back on the raw food wagon today.

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