Thursday, May 3, 2007

Perspective Evolves

Throughout the history of humankind we can see the evolution, not just of the species, but of perspective. Perspective widens and humans evolve. One way of looking at perspective is in the context of values. Another way would be through belief systems. Perspective determines what we can see; it plays a major role in how we interpret what we see and experience.

Over the years philosophers and scientists have theorized about how human development takes place, both individually and as a species. We will look at both aspects. For now, let's look at the big picture. European philosopher poet Jean Gebser has done research in this area and describes evolving structures of consciousness throughout history. These structures provide a framework for individual perspective. Perception changes from structure to structure. The following is how we humans have evolved according to Gebser:

Archaic stage: humans are essentially unconscious, embedded in the natural world with zero perspective, non-dimensional vision. Seen in newborns.

Magical stage: the dawn of humanity as we know it. Humankind experiences a magical unity with the universe, involves witchcraft and spell-casting. Perspective is one dimensional.

Mythical stage: religion and poetry arise, as does a sense of time. Vision is two dimensional. Seen in fundamental religions.

Mental stage: rationality rules, objective and analytic thought is possible. Three dimensional perspective. Gives rise to the Renaissance.

Aperspectival stage: integral thinking, holistic perspective, multiple viewpoints accepted and appreciated. Seen in Picasso's paintings and Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Quantum Physics.

As you can see, perspective is ever-widening and evolves to become more inclusive. Humanity is evolving towards a more holistic perspective.

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