Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Best Day Ever!

The best day ever! That is David Wolfe's promise when we eat raw foods. I attended his seminar in New Hampshire this weekend with Gina, Steven, and Cathy, and I am more convinced than ever that a raw food diet is the way to a healthier, happier life. If David Wolfe is any indication of the energy one can get from being a raw-foodist, I am going there. He has more energy than any person I have ever come across. I'm talking back to back three hour lectures without stopping for a breath.

This is what I learned:

  1. Consuming raw food will eliminate just about any health problem you can think of, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, and obesity.
  2. We do this little by little.
  3. We do this by adding raw food to our diet, we are not giving anything up.
  4. Food is our number one relationship to the earth.
  5. We need to be aware what ratio of fats, carbos, and protein in our diet works best for us personally.
  6. Drink about a quart of water on rising to flush out your system.
  7. Drink super food smoothies! This is a big part of the adding element of becoming healthy. Start with a base of water, tea (goji berry or vanilla) , coconut water. Add macha, coconut oil, hemp seed, cacao beans, spirulina, honey, etc. Play with it.
  8. When you start consuming high quality food your body starts telling you what it needs.
  9. Don't try to use willpower.
  10. Put diluted seawater in your garden and fruit trees.
  11. Real spring water is healthy, avoid filtered tap water.
  12. It isn't calcium that makes bones, our body makes calcium from silicon and magnesium.
There you are in a nutshell. (By the way, the cacao nutshell is good to eat.)

So, do you want to be really really healthy? Little by little add the following to your diet:
  • Fruits (especially berries and the best of these are goji berries)
  • Vegetables (especially green leafy veggies; salads and smoothies)
  • Nuts and seeds (especially cacao-raw chocolate)
  • Minerals (especially from seaweeds like Kelp powder)
  • Sprouts
  • Grasses
  • Herbs
  • Superfoods (cacao, spirulina, honey, bee pollen, macha, etc.)
Okay, there you have everything you need to have the best day ever! E-mail me if you have any questions about this stuff.


Anonymous said...

Watering your plants with seawater is a 1 to 20 ratio with the fresh water being, preferably, rain water. And Don't forget to take a gulp of ocean water whenever you can!
And you are right, what a POWERFUL weekend! He is really amazing! The enthusiasm is completely contagious! I wish everyone could see him. I feel great and don't even want cooked foods.

The most important thing I took from the weekend was that we each have our mission, and discovering that mission and carrying it through is much easier to obtain with a clean, energetic body. Our mission will make us happy, make us want the day to keep happening, not wanting to just get through the day. Our mission won't be a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) We will love it with every cell in our body, not needing to retire. Our mission is easier without the refined, processed foods, never mind fried chicken...YUCK! I feel great and am so excited to make everyday the best day ever, because it truely is! Imagine waking up everyday knowing that today is going to be the best day ever. How great would that feel? Hopping out of bed excited for what you will do today? Now go do IT!!
In health, Happiness and JOY,

Anonymous said...

Yo, Dude. I can get with the diluted seawater for mineral content and trace nutrients. It should work just fine and not introduce too much salt into the dirt.

I can even see the need for raw vegetables. Like good looking coma victims.

But asking me to believe that sucking down the remains of cleaning out the vegetable bin at the market and hoping for taste from something called Bogus Juice, well just don't expect me to show up in that long line you have waiting with glass in hand for this delicious (to a diesel engine) concoction.

Man this IS bogus juice. What are you? Some kinda eye-talian? Well we don't cotton to no eye-tie hippie grasseater round heah.

And then you even admit you'll eat a nut sack. What kinda prevert are you? That's all we need. Another bleat from the rump rangers. Remember hoss, it's a choice, not inborn. We can help you git yer mind right. They got this real good place down near Colorado way that just prays the little dick smoker right out of ya.

Good Luck at Gay Rehab