Friday, October 17, 2008

What Crisis?

So, the world economy is in crisis. I'm told at my office that people have completely stopped buying anything because of uncertainty with the banks. The business that I've owned for 26 years faces the biggest challenge since our opening day. Do I feel any stress? Nope.

Stress is when you are not sure where your next meal is coming from. Fear is that your child may die from disease or lack of food. We do not have a crisis in our country. Crisis exists in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, among others, countries that our corporations have milked for all that they could so that we can have the life that we live. No, we are not in crisis.

Traveling around the world has opened my eyes to the terrible crimes that our country has committed against others in the name of freedom. A lie. I see how most of the world lives and they have so much more than we do in our country and now all we can think about is ourselves.

It is interesting that the main reason we are about to elect a black president isn't because he is the best choice to lead our country, even though I believe he is, but people are voting for him because he will help them financially. It isn't our banks that are bankrupt, it is us.

Still, I am at peace because I know that the Universe has a way of taking care of things, there is justice and fairness. I believe that in the end we all get what we deserve, we reap what we sow. Crisis, are you feeling crisis? Let go of what you want and you will find peace.

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