Friday, January 30, 2009

Lessons From Vietnam

Friday Day One: I know that I was meant to come back here. I know this because I want to come home. No, I'm not coming home, but I have that sick feeling inside that I've experienced the last two times I came.

I am meant to be here to continue the lessons I've been learning over the past year. I can feel this strongly. This trip is not about learning to teach, helping the poor, or getting away from the cold. Being away from home and away from my simple routines I am faced with fact that what I have, who I am, where I am, and what I do is never enough. I always want whatever it is that isn't. Is this the natural human condition?

I think I'm getting tired enough to surrender.

Saturday Day Two: Oh boy, last night was tough. Oh, the fear came rushing in. It is not a fear of anything in particular. It's just fear and it makes me want to get out of here. It is purely irrational. But it is real. All I could do was look at it and ask "who is it that is feeling this fear?"

That seemed to help because I couldn't answer that question. I also worked on just accepting it for what it was and not try to change anything. That took the edge off, but didn't change the raw emotion of it. I am certainly here to look at this unnamed fear, whatever it is. I took another sleeping pill. I had stayed awake all day so I expected the pill to knock me right out. No such luck, I was awake most of the night. I put in my ear plugs and at least I didn't have to listen to the noise outside.

Whatever the case, I made it through my first big test. A couple more days here and I think I will be past the danger zone. I am very interested to see what this fear thing is. It is so strange because I'm not a fearful person. If I were I wouldn't have gone to all the places I've been (and dated some of the women that I've dated).

Sunday Day Three: The fear and anxiety comes when I go to bed. Strong, but not quite as bad as the night before. I practice Eckhart Tolle instructions for awareness and welcome the fear. I do not try to make it go away but accept it. I am curious, I have no idea why I have it or where it comes from. Embracing the fear works and slowly it dissolves, only to be replaced with what I can only describe as an examination of conscience. I begin looking at my life and truthfully see my selfishness and striving to find happiness. It doesn't feel negative or condeming, just a recognition of my lack of letting go and resisting what life gives to me.

This goes on for about an hour and I fall asleep for an hour only to wake up and start the process over again until morning. I sense God saying that bringing me to Vietnam and having my time zones completely reversed was the only way he could get my attention. I am held captive. Not in a bad sense. I feel The spiritual doctor working on me. Not pleasant. But the pain is tolerable.

I would come home in a New York second but I am absolutely certain that I am meant to be here. Pain or no pain. All I can do is embrace the unknown fear and be present. This is hard work. I thought I was way above this but I'm not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is great stuff Frank! Don't give in to the fear! Keep us posted cause we're all in this with you.