Thursday, July 26, 2007

100% Raw--Finally!

My daughter Gina and I discussed how she makes green smoothies for earlier in the day and then makes tasty fruit smoothies with cacao and vanilla bean for later in the day. The second smoothie gets her through the tough afternoon cravings (I think that's how she put it). This morning I was desperate and decided that would be my new plan for today. I've been trying everything I can think of.

Just to make sure that I succeeded Gina came this morning and removed all of the bread from my house while I was out running. She didn't need to, the fruit smoothie (with all the extra goodies) worked! Today I finally made it 100% raw.

This may just be a little gift. I had the strong sense today that maybe some of us are not allowed to take perfect care of our bodies if we don't also try to do the same with our minds and souls. If we want to succeed in having a healthy diet for our bodies, maybe we are required to do the same for our thoughts and our spiritual lives, too. It makes sense to me, since we are wholes and not parts. Again, the holistic perspective and approach to living.

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