Friday, July 13, 2007

Creating Space

Every morning, the first thing I do before doing anything is to create space. I sit on the floor, cross-legged, and do my best to empty my mind of things to think about and allow something from beyond me to enter into my life. I say to myself that this is the most important thing I will do all day long.

Most of the time my thoughts are running my life. "I have to do this...remember when...tomorrow I will...wouldn't it be nice...I'm hungry..." It never stops. Who is in control of my life? It's not me, it's my mind. Wouldn't it be nice to shut the damn thing down once in a while? After all, most of what that mind thing is doing is repeating thoughts from a hundred thousand yesterdays.

That's the problem. We never have room in our heads for something new to enter into our lives. I want a little creativity, I want new life in my life--every day!

So every morning I make time to make space to allow something from outside of me (my mind) to come into my life. It is the most important thing I do every day. It is the only way I can open up to more than little old me and allow whatever it is that creates the universe anew each morning into my life, my thoughts, my actions.

I sit and pay attention to my breath. I feel my chest rise and expand, fall and deflate. I feel my body become soft and open. I look out my window and see the leaves on the trees in various shades of green. I become aware of the space in which all of this exists. I allow everything to exist. I am here, now. And it feels really good. And I bring it with me to the next thing I do.

I wonder what would happen if I try making space more than just the first thing in the morning?

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